Name: Mohammed Motahar Alashabi
Date of Birth: 21st April 1961
Place of Birth: Al-mahwit, Yemen
- com Economics and Political Sciences, Sana’a University, Yemen June 1985.
- Com Bombay university , India, 1988
- A International Relations, Preston University, Kohat , Pakistan, July 2008.
- Languages: Arabic and English
Current Post:
- Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Yemen to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
- Concurrent Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Yemen to Republic of Kazakhstan, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, and the Republic of Maldives.
Service Start:
- Joined Ministry of Foreign Affairs ( MOFA), Yemen in April 1982.
Previous Posts:
- Charge d’ Affaires, Yemen Embassy at Kualalumpur , Malaysia, July 2013 – Aug. 2016.
- Ambassador /Head of Asia & Australia, MOFA, Nov. 2009 – June 2013.
- Promoted to the rank of Ambassadorship in Oct. 2009.
- Director of Personal Department, MOFA, Aug. 2008 – Oct. 2009.
- Minister Plenipotentiary/Deputy Head of Mission, Yemen Embassy at Islamabad, Pakistan, Aug. 2004 – July 2008.
- Director, Deputy Foreign Minister’s Office, July 2001- July 2004
- First sectary then Counselor, Political and Cultural Affairs, Yemen Embassy at Tehran, Iran April 1997 – June 2001
- Desk officer, Foreign Minister’s Office 1993 – 1997.
- Second then First Secretary, Yemen Embassy at Canberra, Australia, October 1990 – April 1993.
- Director, Deputy Foreign Minister Office, May 1989 – Sept.1990.
- Attaché then Vice Consul, Yemen Consulate, Bombay, India, August 1985- April 1989.
- Desk Officer at MOFA April 1982 – July 1984.
- Attended the United Nation 50th and 57th General Assembly Sessions.
- Attended various, regional and international conferences, seminars, workshops , Professional training and a like.
Academic experience and publications:
- Lecturer of Economic Diplomacy at the Diplomatic Institute, Yemen MOFA and at other academic institutions.
- The Diplomat Magazine Chief Editor, Yemen MOFA, June 2001 – Oct. 2002.
Marital Status:
- Married and father of a son and five daughters.